Welcome To Cronulla RSL Table Tennis
a sub club of Cronulla RSL Memorial Club
Established in 1947
Marton Hall, 92 Captain Cook Drive Kurnell is the current home of the Cronulla RSL Table Tennis Club. We play every Monday evening (including Public Holidays) and Saturday mornings (excluding Public Holiday weekends), except over our Christmas/New Year break – refer to our website’s ‘Calendar’ page for exact dates.
We cater for all playing standards, from the A grader to the very beginner, and for ages early teens up to the extremely mature, and we promote a friendly, social and fun atmosphere and try to help everyone improve their game.
Visitors are welcome to come firstly on Saturday mornings after contacting one of our Committee members to get more information. After 3 weeks visitors can decide if they wish to apply to join our Club (see Membership below).
Session Times:
On Mondays, doors open at 6.00pm and it is important that we know by exactly 6.40pm how many members we have for the draw, so if players are running late, they need to text Maureen on 0407 837 523 or Kerry on 0409 043 882 before 6.40pm. We are usually finished by 9.30pm.
On Saturdays, doors open at 9am and we finish at 11.30am - arrive anytime.
We expect members to help to set-up the tables and barriers before play and/or assist with a quick end-of-session pack-up on both Mondays and Saturdays.
Playing Formats:
On Mondays, we have weekly social competitions and events, most of which are handicap-competitions either in a graded or an ungraded format. These are shown on our website Calendar page. Nights mostly consist of both singles and doubles matches and we aim for at least 4 matches per player per night and usually achieve 6 matches per player. We also run the Club’s A, B, C, D, & E Grade, Ladies and Doubles Championships which are all played off scratch. Appropriate prizes and a mention on our website’s Honour Roll page are at stake for all our annual events. Handicaps are reviewed regularly.
Saturdays are run with no starting handicaps (off scratch) using a scheduling whiteboard with players coming off after 3 games, with rotating opponents to give everyone a fair go. Matches on Saturdays consist of both singles and doubles and we also have a training robot available for 15-minute sessions.
Playing Reports and Club News:
A link to our website: https://www.cronullatabletennis-rsl.com/report is emailed to all members each week which provides playing reports, other important Club information and playing statistics. We also have Facebook and Instagram.
Playing Fees:
A cash playing fee of $5 needs to be paid before play each session by all players, including visitors.
After 3 weeks, visitors will need to decide if they wish to apply for Club membership. If the application is approved in principle by our Committee, membership of our Club will only be formalised after proof of membership of the Cronulla RSL Club (by player or guardian - currently $15 per year), and after payment of an up-front ‘annual subscription’ fee of $10/annum, and the filling out of an application form. Applicants will also need to read, agree to, and sign, our ‘Conditions of Membership’ form which includes our ‘Code of Conduct’.
Both our financial and playing years are from the start of July to the end of June the following year.
More Information:
Either: click here. or contact the following:
Contacts: President, Rod, Ph: 9231 5050 (business hours) or 0478 906 156, Maureen 0407 837 523 or Ross 0427 115 413
The 2024-25 Committee, as ratified at the AGM on 19th Aug 2024 is:
Rod Forrester - President & Captain
Maureen Crowther - Secretary/Treasurer & Publicity Officer
Ross Hufton - Vice Captain - Records
Laurie Goddard - Vice Captain - Playing
Kerry Borg - Vice Captain - Playing